The S.P.O.R.T. Foundation was established in 2000 is a 501 (c) (03) non-profit organization designed to help and support the five local high schools of Pittsylvania County and Danville Schools and their student–athletes. This Foundation is in honor of Charles “Smitty” Smith, PT that passed away in March 2013. Smitty had been practicing Physical Therapy and Athletic Training for over 40 years supporting local athletic programs ...
S.P.O.R.T. Foundation President, Aaron Taylor, MS, ATC, will be inducted into the Pittsylvania County Sports Hall of Fame for his dedication to providing sports medicine services to Pittsylvania County schools since 2004.
Based on your school, if your child needs to be evaluated by an ATC or by a Medical Doctor call (434) 793-4711.
We will get back in touch with you as soon as possible. Our staff make frequent trips out to the high schools each week depending on practices and games.
Spectrum Medical accepts walk-ins!