The title of this organization is Smitty's Plan for Orthopedic Rehabilitation & Training with abbreviated name of S.P.O.R.T..
The purpose of this Foundation is to support the athletes of Pittsylvania County and Danville Schools by providing sports medicine outreach for coverage of events, provide opportunities for bracing needs, and purchase supplies that are used at each site.
1. This organization shall have the following officers who serve on the Executive Board of Directors: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Liaison.
To serve as an officer in the organization, a member must be familiar with the internal workings of the Foundation and must have been a participant in good standing that supports the Foundation purpose for a minimum of 1 year.
Any member who brings dishonor to the Foundation or knowingly violates the rules of the Foundation shall not be considered in good standing, and may be asked to resign by the Chairman of a committee specifically appointed to investigate the allegation, upon concluding that the offense warrants this action. Less severe measures, such as a warning, may be taken if considered appropriate by a majority of the committee members.
A. President: The president shall call and preside over all Board of Directors meetings. He/she shall have the authority to appoint committees as needed.
The president shall be responsible for conducting the affairs of the Foundation. He/She shall present a written report at the Annual Meeting of the conditions of the Foundation including a statement of the amount of money applied and appropriated during the year and purposes, objectives, or persons to and which such applications, appropriations, or expenditures have been made. This annual report shall be filed and entered into the minutes of the Annual Meeting.
B. Vice President: In case of the absence or disability of the President, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President, and who so acting, shall have all power of that and have such duties as from time to time may be assigned to him by the Board of Directors or by the President. He/she shall take meeting minutes in the absence of the Secretary.
C. Secretary: Will keep a record of the minutes at meetings, and maintain a file of such minutes and when requested by the President, accept assignments involving correspondence and the keeping of records.
D. Treasurer: Shall receive all monies and securities, and deposit same in a depository approved by the Board of Directors. Will administer all financial dues and have authority to sign and disburse necessary appropriations as directed. Will maintain all financial record keeping as needed and shall serve as Budget Committee Chairman.
E. Liaison: This member is an unbiased liaison that does not receive support from the Foundation and they are not a part of any Committee, they are a voting member that will provide information that will support the Foundation and its direction of business. This member will be based on the availability of willing participants.
A panel of six members will be maintained as part of the Foundation. This panel may be used in election of offices. The members will consist of people that have influences in the Pittsylvania County and Danville schools. The members will be nominated by the Board of Directors and asked to be placed on the panel for one- year terms with no limitations of years served.
The Executive Committee shall be composed of all officers of the Foundation. It shall see to the orderly continuation of the Foundation, conduct its business, promotes its interests, and appoint any special committees and chairman thereof necessary to accomplish these ends.
Any officer or member may be removed whenever such removal will serve the best interest of the Foundation. Such removal may be accomplished by a majority vote of members present at a special called meeting with at least 30 days prior written notice to members. Any officer or member that chooses to be removed from their position may do so with a 30-day written notice.
No member shall be elected to an office of the Foundation for the stated purpose of promoting his individual business interest.
In the event of a limited number of available members, at least three offices will be filled (President, Secretary, and Treasurer). Also, in this event, the Secretary will assume the role of the Vice President.
1. Each elected officer shall maintain position for three calendar years.
2. Each elected member shall maintain position for one calendar year.
3. By no later than October 1st of the third year, the Board of Directors will meet to discuss nominations for the offices.
4. By no later than November 1st of the third year, a written ballot will be sent to each officers and members for the official vote.
5. By no later than December 1st, of each year, a written ballot will be sent to each officer and member for the official vote for the member panel.
6. For the purpose of election of officers and members, each member and officer shall be entitled to one vote. No proxies are allowed.
7. The nominees receiving the greatest number of votes shall be declared the winner. In the event of a tie, the Board of Directors will vote for a panel of five that will be called the Nominating Committee. This Committee will be given a written ballot with all pertinent information provided for each nominated member to vote on.
1. There will be an Annual Meeting for the Foundation to be held at a time and place designated by the Board of Directors for all members and officers.
2. The Board of Directors shall meet regularly to effectively conduct the business of the organization.
1. No member of the foundation shall receive any salary or monetary supplements from the foundation for work as a part of the Board of Directors or Member Panel. This does not include the honorarium, when available, for health care professionals when they volunteer for event coverage.
2. All financial support gathered shall be used to improve the sports medicine outreach program or support athletes that need bracing that do not have the financial support.
3. The treasurer will be responsible for all monetary and securities of the Foundation. The Foundation will require two Board of Directors signatures on all checks issued.
4. BRACING SUPPORT: There are two levels at which bracing support may be provided for an underprivileged athlete.
A. LEVEL A: The policy for this level is that the cost for support will be less than $100.00. Local area high school athletes (in Pittsylvania County and Danville Schools) need to be aware of/and meet, the following criteria (7) to be considered for bracing assistance at this level.
1. An ATC or MD must recommend a brace after having thoroughly evaluated the athlete.
2. Said athlete must exhibit compliance with the assigned treatment protocol.
3. The athlete/parent/guardian must submit an application.
4. Only one brace will be offered to the said applicant. It is the responsibility of the athlete to maintain possession of the brace.
5. Application for this level (Level A) will include, but not be limited to the following: name, age, school, coach, sport, brace, retail cost of brace, recommending professional, approval, signature of recipient (or recipient’s legal guardian), and description of financial necessity.
6. Application does not guarantee approval.
7. Approval by at least 2 officers is required. The recipient (or legal guardian) will be notified within 3-5 business days of application date. This does not guarantee that the athlete will have the brace within this time frame due to ordering and shipping process.
B. LEVEL B: The policy for this level is that the cost for support will be more than $100.00. Local area high school athletes (in Pittsylvania County and Danville Schools) need to be aware of/and meet, the following criteria (9) to be considered for bracing assistance at this level.
1. The potential recipient must submit a detailed application.
2. An MD referral must recommend a brace after having thoroughly evaluated the athlete. A copy is adequate.
3. Said athlete must exhibit compliance with the assigned treatment protocol.
4. The athlete/parent/guardian must submit an application with a copy of insurance card/coverage for the applicant needs to be attached to verify that insurance cannot/will not pay for part/or all of the cost of the brace.
5. Only one brace will be offered to the said applicant. It is the responsibility of the athlete to maintain possession of the brace.
6. Application for this level (Level B) will include, but not be limited to the following: name, age, school, coach, sport, brace, retail cost of brace, recommending professional, approval, signature of recipient (or recipient’s legal guardian), and description of financial necessity.
7. Application does not guarantee approval.
8. Approval by at least 2 officers is required. The recipient (or legal guardian) will be notified within 3-5 business days of application date. This does not guarantee that the athlete will have the brace within this time frame due to ordering and shipping process.
9. Final approval upon review by Board of Directors.
The Foundation will, when sufficient funds are available and it is deemed appropriate to do so, offer an honorarium to those health care professionals that volunteer their time to cover various sporting events throughout the Pittsylvania County and Danville area. This honorarium will be offered as a means to offset the cost of gas, wear-and-tear on vehicle, travel expenses, and time at the discretion of at least 2 officers of the Foundation.
The Foundation will maintain adequate supplies for the health care professionals that provide outreach for sporting events to aid the local area high school athletes. The Board of Directors will collectively decide on inventory needs and also will decide on appropriate actions to meet those needs.
The Foundation’s officers and members will collectively decide on ideas for fundraising activities to continue the positive support for the area athletes.
In the event the Foundation decided by unanimous vote to be dissolved, or find at least three members willing to serve as officers of the Foundation (President, Secretary, and Treasurer), the Board of Directors will recommend the manner in which assets of the Foundation are to be liquidated. This must be approved by a majority of those voting at a special meeting called for this purpose. At this time, all liquidated assets will be divided up into five equal portions and given to each high school in Pittsylvania County and Danville (Chatham High School, Dan River High School, George Washington High School, Gretna High School, and Tunstall High School).
1. Amendments to the By-Laws may be requested by any active member at the Annual Meeting or Board of Directors Meeting. If approved by a majority of the members present, the amendment shall be submitted to the entire committee for a vote.
2. The vote will be by written ballot mailed to each Board of Directors and Member. A complete explanation of the amendment with recommending the full membership vote will be included in the mailing. A majority of the returned ballots must be in favor of the amendment in order to amend the By-Laws.
3. For purpose of amending the By-Laws, each Board of Directors Member and Member shall be entitled to one vote. No proxies allowed.
President: Aaron Taylor, MS, ATC
Vice President: Tim Torborg, ATC
Treasurer: Heath Hylton, PTA
Secretary: Whitney Taylor, RN
Liaison: Thomas Underwood, ATC
1. Whitney Taylor, RN
2. Mark Austin
3. Chad Scruggs
4. Cortney Herndon, DPT, COMT
Revised 2/10/2022